post by leslie
These twins are so fun to photograph! Their mom always chooses cute (but not too matchy) clothes and it is so fun to see them growing up and adjusting to their surroundings.Whenever I go into the home of a newborn, I always know that that family's world is a bit upside down, and they are just doing the best they can (I mean, we all are, right?). But when I go into a home of twins babies? And it's picked up? And the kids are dressed? And the mom is not in yoga pants? I am BLOWN AWAY. I don't know how these families do it, but it just goes to show what we can accomplish if we need to!And aren't they adorable? I think so.
And of course I would be remiss if I didn't show you their amazing big sister, Nilla, below.
For your internet shares of the day, I'm just listing out some artist prints that I love. I think prints make a wonderful holiday gift, especially if they are in a beautiful frame.+ Something for book lovers (like me!).+ Something childlike. And one more from that same artist.+ Something pretty.+ Something local and modern.