not so sure about that headband
This little girl is super adorable (usually). But I could not resist posting this photo of her face when her mom made her wear a flower on her head. Oh girl. I can relate.My own mother often tells me stories of how when I was young people thought I was a boy, so she scotch taped bows to my head. SCOTCH TAPE, PEOPLE. So I always feel for the baby girls when stuff is put on their heads... although at least there are non-tape methods these days. (And I should note that this rad mama was hesitant about the flower as well, but we tried it just to see what we'd get.)So this photo was shot last week. Today is Ezra's first day in daycare and I am catching up on MASSIVE amounts of work, which leaves very little time between jobs to actually take fresh photos. Which is why you're getting these instead (sorry).And! I'm including a cute photo of this babe below just to show you how cute she really is.
Oh! And an internet share of the day! Did you read about how Minneapolis is so wonderful in The Atlantic? No? Here's an excerpt:
The Minneapolis–St. Paul metro area is richer by median household income than Pittsburgh or Salt Lake City (or New York, or Chicago, or Los Angeles). Among residents under 35, the Twin Cities place in the top 10 for highest college-graduation rate, highest median earnings, and lowest poverty rate, according to the most recent census figures. And yet, according to the Center for Housing Policy, low-income families can rent a home and commute to work more affordably in Minneapolis–St. Paul than in all but one other major metro area (Washington, D.C.). Perhaps most impressive, the Twin Cities have the highest employment rate for 18-to-34-year-olds in the country.
But you didn't need The Atlantic to tell you Minneapolis is awesome, because I tell you all the time :)