it's pretty amazing here, eh?
post by leslie
I promise I didn't fall off the face of the Earth. I've just been in Canada. And I might never return.Could I make a living here? Probably not. Would I love to swim to one of these Gulf Islands (or ferry, whatever) and never connect to the internet or hear the news again (until Trump is in prison anyway)? Hell yeah. Absolutely. Let's make that happen.I'm going to have to break my posts into themes for the next few days so you understand how amazing my very short three days in this country were (not counting the travel days).First up is the whale watching excursion. Yup, we saw Orcas, and we got to see them kill a few things, but luckily there are laws that we have to be 200 (meters? feet? I can't remember) away from them, so nothing too gruesome.We also saw amazingly huge sea lions, harbor seals, a sea otter, and way off in the distance, a humpback whale (which I did not get to photograph).Ezra thought all of this was pretty cool. In fact, I would lay money on him liking the BOAT more than the ORCAS, but whatever, he had a blast. Obviously, I am still in a cabin deep in the Canadian woods on an actual island, so internet shares are nil because I've been kayaking and hiking and watching out the back yard for otters and all that is way more fun than a computer. But enjoy the photos!
Look at those rocks in the water. Look closer. Those are sea lions.
Again, you see the one in the water? Look at the rocks behind him. And they were barking at us.
I have a very handsome husband. That is all.
In the middle of this photo is a sea otter. The captain kept telling us how rare they were and what an amazing sight this was, but I couldn't see a single thing and just took the photo to appear interested. Now, I can see it. Dead center, just below the half-way mark of the photo, you can barely make out a head. I really snapped the photo because look at all that kelp! Way out in the middle of the water! Crazy!