half my life with this guy right here
So it was 19 years ago today that I mustered all the courage I had to call up this guy right here and ask him on a date.You should know that I was raised in a household where "If a boy wants to talk to you, he'll call. Never call a boy. Ever." So this was a pretty big deal, but I was in college and I *really* liked this guy. And I was tired of waiting around to get asked out (patience is not exactly a virtue of mine). Luckily, he said yes, and we had dinner at a "fancy" Chinese restaurant that night before downing some Rolling Rock beers on a patio overlooking a Burger King. ROMANCE!But my point here is that sometimes you gotta take the risk. Look at how it paid off for me!? I scored the best husband on the planet all by completely disregarding my parents sage advice (sorry, Dad).And yes, today is also our 1 year anniversary of bringing Magda home. So I thought I'd share the photo below as well. Clearly she is just as nuts about her dad as I am.
For your internet share of the day, check out this amazing map! Who knew there were so many German speakers in this country, ja?