getting out and about
Not the most visually appealing when I show you photos of ads in the downtown skyway, eh? But this is cool because I took the photos used in these ads! And even though the art director didn't ask for a dog to be in the photos, I SNUCK ONE IN ANYWAY! Win. (Even if he is covered with letters.)I was downtown for an agency shoot today, and I realized these billboards would be up and I should go see how they turned out. And you know, while looking for them I happened to be walking by some shops so I bought some new pants. They have flowers on them. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!? This winter is making me crave spring so badly that I am buying floral clothing. Don't worry, I will wear them only with black.And speaking of flowers, I thought I would show you how pretty my bunch from yesterday are opening up in my office window. That was a *stellar* decision on my part, I tell you what.
For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to something about children. I know! Floral pants AND children?!? My mother will be so pleased. Anyway, I know I don't post much about kids around these parts (because dogs are so much better), but this little story totally warmed my heart and I love this little girl and her project. So much fun!