behind the scenes
Last week I was hired to photograph a local fashion designer right before she takes off on an amazing adventure. She has rebuilt this cool-as-shit airstream trailer and is hitting the road for travel, nature and inspiration. The airstream is loaded with sewing machines and work tables (and a kitchen, bed and bathroom), and she plans on designing collections while she's out in the world.Oh, how I adore this idea!I have some really fun and amazing shots from this shoot that my client owns exclusive rights to, but as soon as they are made public, I'll be sure to share them with you.In the meantime, here are a few behind-the-scenes photos that I liked.I cannot tell you how inspiring it is for me to see other creative people and how they work amidst their own inspiration. It's like fuel for my brain. So I loved, loved, loved seeing the walls and walls of inspiring fashion, sketches and fabrics everywhere.Such a fantastic assignment.
And for your internet shares of the day:+ Did you hear about how flossing does no good? Here's a story on why you should probably keep it up. Confession: I floss at night and after popcorn, meat and berries with seeds. I have never understood why to floss in the morning. My yogurt does not get stuck in my teeth. I am a heathen.+ This camera is adorable.+ Do you love Stringer Bell? You're welcome.+ Just a reminder of restaurant manners.