bear necessities
This morning, we all got up and took Ezra to the zoo. It was a little chilly, but we meandered out to see the Russian Grizzlies. Pro tip: The bears are far more active in the mornings than the afternoons, so it's best to start your visit with them. As you'll soon see.They have 3 bears at the zoo, one male and two females. The male climbed over and began sitting on this tree.
Then, the two females began to wrestle and fight! I'd never seen this before and we (along with all the school children around us) were fascinated. But then things got far more interesting. There was a definite victor in the lady fight, and the winner was rewarded...
As one child screamed, "Oh my god! The nasty!" We just told Ezra they were hugging.For your internet share today, I unearthed my very favorite Prince story (which I shared years ago and since had been removed from the internet, probably from Prince himself). But since just yesterday, someone reposted a very poor quality video, but the telling of the story is what matters. Enjoy.