You bet she's got opinions. Opinions on this weather, that's for sure. While there is, apparently, great fun in hunting for (and gobbling up) rabbit turds in the snow, she misses her long walks and even longer trips to the dog park. She also misses digging in the dirt for burrowed chipmunks and being able to see the dogs being walked on the other side of the street (who are currently blocked by enormous snow banks).However, she also realizes that once it warms up, she'll have far fewer mittens and hats to steal from guests who innocently place them in pockets or on the radiator in the entry way. So yeah, she's not sure what she wants at this point.For your internet share, first I'm going to be 100% self-serving and ask that you go vote for me in this concert photography competition. You can vote one time every day, so bookmark it and go crazy, people! And if you think another candidate might be more worthy of your vote (there are a ton of super talented folks included!) then vote for them! But you should vote. :)Now for your *real* internet share of the day! This funny guide to dating a designer. It made me laugh!
I checked the forecast yesterday, and it said we would get 1-2 inches of snow today. We woke up to a significant snowstorm and the forecast now says 1-2 inches PER HOUR. Yeah, those last two words make a bit of difference, right?Magda here is getting super antsy with winter. She has been extremely well behaved this week, but she needs more runs and longer walks to burn her energy, so she's back at daycare today. The amazing news is that tomorrow it's supposed to be FORTY TWO degrees, so I'm pretty sure I'll put on shorts and a tank top and walk the dogs all afternoon in my flip flops! Or something like that :) I seriously cannot wait for that heat spike.Plus, hopefully, it will melt a bunch of this snow so that the shoveling won't be as bad.Even today, it's supposed to hit 36 degrees, so it looks like Merlin might get a walk as well. Oh man, how happy will I be if we can keep these temperatures around!For the internet share of the day, NPR is streaming the new Beck album for free. It is perfect for these snowy winter days.
I think I have mentioned that we have a remodeling project going on in our house. It has involved removing walls down to the concrete foundation, sealing the foundation, and then drilling sheet rock into the concrete. To say things have been a bit loud around the house is an understatement.I was worried this would distress Magda. I was wrong. Today, in the middle of the drilling, I walked into the bedroom and found her like this. What you can't really see is that she is asleep. Yes, passed out asleep in this crazy position. What a nut! (But an adorable one.)I'm not sure if the construction really doesn't bother her a bit, or if it's because she was in doggie daycare all day yesterday. Either way, I'll take it!For your internet share today, I have two things for you. The first made me laugh almost to the point of tears, so please enjoy it (and watch through the end). For the second internet share, this is a news story from my hometown newspaper that made me VERY ANGRY. Maybe I should have put the laughter one after this...
Lately, we've been training more and more with Magda. This is for two reasons, first we have found that teaching her new tricks takes as much energy out of her as, say, a 45 minute walk. And when the temperature is 2 degrees, you would much rather train. Second, she seems to have gotten the impression lately (again) that she is in charge, and we are reinforcing to her (over and over and over again) that in fact we, who feed her, are in charge. These vizslas? They are a bit stubborn.So lately, we've been working really hard at two tricks. One is getting her to balance things on her head. Especially food. Do not expect photos of this for a very long time as it is HARD. But we are working on it. The second is to have her hold things in her mouth and stay. Preferably, things that she would like to "kill" or chew. This duck toy up here was presented to her about 1 minute before the photo was taken.While the photo up there isn't really that great, the fact that she's not shaking the bird to death or tearing out the fur or the squeaker heart is mighty impressive (to me anyway).So that's what we've been up to over here. How 'bout you guys? Got any good tricks or training tips you want to share? Put them in the comments because I could sure use 'em!And for your internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to the new collection on the Amano site. I would love, love, love to have either the silver feather earrings or the gorgeous gold dipped guitar pick earrings... hint, hint valentines....Oh, and as I type this, Mags has ripped the stuffing out of the duck. See? That didn't last long.
We woke up to -22 degrees today, and it's no wonder we went into hiding.Magda here is so funny with the nests she creates around the house. I found her on the guest bed today deep in pillows and her head half hidden, so I brought her a blanket and wrapped her up in it. I came back about 20 min. later and expected her to have wiggled out, but no, she was all cocooned in. Pretty darn cute.For your internet share today, I'm sending you a shot of summer with this drink recipe, but it's perfect because Grapefruit are totally in season right now. Let's all make this tonight and pretend it's July, shall we?
This little twerp ran out the front door today as a house guest was arriving, and she just KEPT ON RUNNING. I tried to chase her for a bit in my slippers, but I could only get so far in the deep snow, so I had to run back to the house to throw on my boots. Luckily, as I was heading back out the door, she ran past the house IN THE OTHER DIRECTION. With the help of a bag of Tostitos, I was able to contain her to a neighbor's front porch before bringing her back into the house.This photo was taken before all of the excitement though. Because after that, she's been sulking around the house with a VERY guilty look on her face because she knows she's in trouble. Man!For today's internet share, how about a video of a man who hugs lions. Yup, you read that right. It's a fascinating piece, but I fear we'll be reading about him being eaten by wildlife in the next few years. Until then, enjoy!
She's definitely a dog now, eh? The puppy energy is still there, but when she sits at attention, she appears full grown.It's amazing that when we first got her, we thought she looked more like a dog than a pup (at 5 months), but now when we go back to those first pictures, you can see a difference for sure.In the last few weeks, this girl has gotten so dang good. It's almost shocking. (And I'm knocking on wood as I type this.) We are so, so grateful for this excellent behavior since it's now so cold out that we just can't walk her as much as we did in the summer.As an example of her improved self, now when she charges into the bedroom after eating breakfast and going outside, instead of trying to eat your face off like a creature from a 1980s horror flick, she shoves her nose into my face, I put my arm over her shoulder and she nestles in beside me, rolling onto her back and tucking her head into my neck before falling back to sleep. WHEW. I am so glad we got that routine down.And the photos here? They require serious training because I'm using gridded light in the studio, which means it's aimed specifically at her head and if she moves at all, she goes black. So she was sitting and holding very still while I shot these. Which is a huge feat for a young vizsla, trust me.
I know she was quite the beast when we adopted her back in May, having been returned several times to the rescue for her wild behavior, but it really shows how a lot of love, patience and hard work can help a dog. Worth every minute.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to this site I found called Pack. It's like a facebook for your dog! Crazy! I probably won't spend much time on it, but I love checking out the other collies and vizslas. I'm just nuts like that.
When I woke up this morning, the thermometer outside the kitchen window said it was 28 degrees below zero.Now wait a minute, I don't want you to think I'm complaining. Sure, it puts a damper on errand running, but these extremely cold days are exactly what keep the population of my fair city down so that I may live in such a glorious place and still be able to afford a beautiful home in the city. Coming from Los Angeles or Miami, I am thrilled to have a natural occurrence that keeps out the wusses of the world. The only weather complaint you'll hear from me is how long winter lasts. I'm fine with it lasting until March, but I am still a little pissed about last year's May snowfall.Today I worked at my computer all day while Magda napped in the next room. We ventured out for a pee break around noon, but she can only hobble around rotating her three legs for so long before she wants back inside to snuggle under the covers.For today's internet share of the day, how about a look at arctic foxes and how they use the north/south axis to better hunt mice in the snow?! Apparently, animals use the magnetic forces of the planet far more than I ever thought....