still here. still cozy.
It has been a week since we voted, and I realize you might be tired of hearing me bitch about the state of our nation. So here are a few photos of sleepy Magda.She was all cozied up while I was working at my computer this morning, and sometimes I take a minute just to spin around and take a long look at that sweet girl blissfully asleep. I take a few deep breaths, and then dive back into work. It's good for the soul.How am I feeling today? Hmmmm.... If only there was a time in history we could reference when a leader who promoted white nationalism wanted members of a minority religion to register with the government...But, in an effort to stay balanced, Kansas beat Duke last night in college basketball. (It's small. I know. I'm grasping!)
For your internet shares of the day:+ Let's all eat our emotions! Look at this delicious pad thai recipe!+ The police officer who shot and killed Philando Castile has been charged with manslaughter.+ Han Solo and Princess Leah had a steamy affair during the making of Star Wars! Ooooo la la!+ Back to the election (sorry!), these maps from the NY Times regarding how people voted is fascinating to me. For the first time, I saw our national parks and the nature that we love and value. And then I realized that many of the people who live on or near these lands are voting for the party against protecting the environment. I'm not judging it, I just find it supremely fascinating.