spring fever
As I write this, it's snowing again. Which I don't mind... but I am missing warmth so much these days. If it were a normal year (with no basement remodel), we would be heading to Texas in less than a week. And while I'm really not upset about missing the music, I am devastated about missing the weather. What I would do for a trip to some 80 degree weather right now...Anyway! Until those temperatures arrive (in August, apparently), I'm trying to trick my brain around the house by surrounding myself with flowers. That top image is of the orchid that our friend Spike sent to us last year after Memphis died. Can you even believe we have kept it alive this long? It's all Jamie. I now call him The Orchid Whisperer.
These are the blooms that I bought for myself a week ago. They are doing extremely well, I think, and I love the pop of color.
When I bought the buds last week at Brown and Greene, I also picked up a bulb in a cute little pot. I had no idea what would bloom from it, I just thought it would be fun to watch something grow and bloom. And this is what I got! I love the way it looks... the scent however is a bit much for my small office, so it now resides in the larger living room.For your internet share today, how about a link to the Veronica Mars movie trailer? I am so excited for this movie in March. I loved the TV show and I adore that they kept the same cast on. Super excited for this one!