sick day

There is nothing quite like being woken up by crying in the middle of the night and opening your child's bedroom door to see him puking (and crying) over the side of the crib. Oh, and let's not forget the smell.So Ezra stayed home with Mom yesterday, and lucky for both of us he seemed fine. No fever, no more puking and great spirits. Because he had puked, I was too gun shy to take him out in public (a serious fear of mine is having my kid puke all over a public place -- ew), and he didn't want to even leave the house. So we watched Shawn the Sheep all morning, and then later I busted out this train I was saving for Christmas. It did the trick and he was happy all day long.In other hilarious news, for about the last six months, I keep getting contacted through my web form by actors in NYC who need head shots in the next day or two. The second or third person who reached out, said that their agent had sent them to me. I was completely baffled as, clearly, I cannot fly to NYC for a small headshot session on a day or two's notice. I kept emailing these nice folks back explaining I lived in Minnesota, and then I never heard a word back.Until today! An actress emailed me back, apologizing for the mix up, and said she had typed in the url wrong. Her agent was sending her here. HOW HILARIOUS IS THAT?!? SHUTTER. SCHMACK! I nearly died. Hysterical!Ok, and now for your internet shares of the day:+ This interview with one of the Black Keys made me laugh.+ So the local PBS station had a photo contest, and they are putting out a book containing winning photos that showcase the seasons of Minnesota. One of my photos was chosen, but I seriously don't know which one (I entered a handful). Anyway! If that sounds like something that might interest you, you can buy the book here. Also, there is an event planned to showcase the photos and the book, and if you're into that, you can go here. (Confession, I will not be there as I am already booked that night.)