saturday at the circus // week seven

This week was pretty good around Chez Plesser. We seem to have gotten a rhythm going with the feeding times and we are down to one feeding per night, which is meaning much more sleep (which is awesome). We worked a lot on tummy time, and that's getting better -- though sometimes it still pisses Ezra off. Also, it was Halloween! And Ezra slept through a bunch of it. We also ran a bunch of errands like normal people this week and Ezra got to come to Happy Hour with me (which he also slept through).He was also a bit more cranky than normal this week. Nothing that alarmed us, but we've read that this stage the kids get a little whinier because they are seeing/hearing/smelling more than before, and they tend to get a touch overstimulated. Whatever, I'm pretty sure it's just gas.But regardless, even *I*, who refuses to sing Happy Birthday to people, have resorted to singing the ABCs to settle him down. You guys, I have THE WORST singing voice ever. And I don't think it even calms him down! I think he's more like, "What the HELL is wrong with this woman's voice?" And he is stunned into silence. But whatever, I'll take it.I am also starting to notice that most of my photos of The Kid are when he's sleeping. While he does sleep a ton, I think it's because when he's awake, I want to read to him or he's eating or we're having a dance party or something like that in which photos aren't possible (I only have so many hands). Also? He's pretty adorable when he's sleeping... if I do say so myself.The rest of the photos are below -- enjoy!