missing my boy

Aren't those dog portraits great? My buddy Brent drew them last summer when he was having a flash sale on commissioned work. I think it was in July that I hired him because I thought Merlin's time was getting short. I just can't believe my boy made it until April. And this week makes it 2 months since he's been gone. Man, I miss that guy.Lately, I've been listening to more audiobooks because it's a great thing to have running in the background while I edit photos. But the thing is, that site audible? It's not that great of a deal (the last book I wanted to listen to was $28!). So I've been trying to find free audiobooks online. This week, I've been listening to The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (The Chronicles of Narnia). I never listened as a kid, and man did the Aslan character remind me of Merlin. Noble, kind, huge with a big, furry mane. Yeah. (Some people say Aslan represents Christ in the books. I'm sticking with Merlin.)Anyway, I've been thinking of my boy a lot this week, and I thought I should show you the pieces Brent drew for Ezra's room. Such a nice tribute to my very first kids.For your internet shares today, I loved this piece on the value of community college. I am a firm believer that the traditional 4-year schools aren't for everyone, and community colleges are a fantastic option. I also really enjoyed this essay on viewing your life after loss. And on a more upbeat point, this hotel's decor is FABULOUS. I want my house to look like this please.