finally! like a snow globe!!
I had a few meetings at different agencies this morning, and I had set aside some time this afternoon to head out and photograph the snow that was supposed to start around 2 pm.When I pulled into the parking ramp downtown around noon, there was an occasional flake passing my windshield, but that was it. It has been in the high 30s here the last few days, so there was no snow on the streets or sidewalks. When I left the ramp 45 minutes later, this is what awaited me. Crazy! And wonderful! And I'm so happy I have four wheel drive!I decided the large flakes might not stay, so I would take the surface streets home and hit up the woods by the lake for photos. But... there was an error in my plans.First, the snow was accumulating more rapidly than I had predicted and there were many cars stuck along the way, making it harder to get there. Second, when I did, I realized I was wearing boots with, um, heels in them. What!? I had meetings at ad agencies! Of course I had to look a little stylish!And? I had forgotten my hat. And my gloves. (Bad, bad Minnesotan!). I still parked and headed into the woods to take a few images, but I didn't get far before realizing that I would need to be much better prepared for such a shoot. Below are the images I did get. Maybe I'll head back out later, but I might opt to wait until tomorrow when the roads are a bit better. Because as you'll see below? Right now they are a mess.
For your internet shares of the day, I found this photo project on gun violence mesmerizing. And I found this article about how cheese is as addictive as hard drugs to be both surprising and obvious at the same time.